Every Good Morning

All of these things are true at once:

Hamas’s goal is the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel.

Iran’s goal is the murder of Jews and the destruction of Israel. Hezbollah is Iran’s proxy in this.

Israel and Iran have been engaged in a low-level war for years.

Netanyahu’s government of right-wing racists is allowing their supporters in the settler community to murder Palestinians in the West Bank.

Netanyahu has lost the support of the vast majority of Israelis.

Nearly half of Gaza’s population is made up of children. They are dying under Israeli bombs.

Hamas committed war crimes in its massacre of October 7. According to the Geneva Conventions*, Israel has almost certainly committed war crimes in its bombardment of Gaza.

Israel must fight Hamas. Israel must protect Palestinian lives. 

Hamas is using the deaths of Palestinians as a tool to retain power.

Iran, Russia, Hezbollah and Hamas are allied in seeking harm to Israel.

Iran and Russia are allies seeking the destruction of Ukraine.

MAGA Republicans are acting as allies to Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas in seeking to use aid to Israel and Ukraine as bargaining chips in their domestic agendas.

Threats against Jews and Muslims within the United States have risen dramatically since October 7.

Ukraine was invaded by Russia. Russia is seeking Ukraine’s destruction. Russia has committed a vast number of war crimes in doing so.

The Biden administration is seeking to restrain Israeli actions and to push them to again consider a two-state solution.

The Biden administration is arming Israel and Ukraine and has positioned itself to serve as their protectors if Iran or Russia acts in specific ways (an overwhelming attack by Hezbollah in northern Israel, an attack by Iran; the use of chemical or nuclear weapons by Russia against Ukraine).

In order to make sense of what is going on, one has to be able to keep all of these facts in mind.

In order to find a path toward a peaceful resolution, one must find a way through the moral and political thickets of these facts.

*Article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention defines war crimes as: “Willful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including… willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health, unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement of a protected person, compelling a protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile power, or willfully depriving a protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial… taking of hostages and extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly.”

© Mike Wall

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