Every Good Morning

Trump has allowed Elon Musk to send computer engineers into Federal Agencies, illegally of course, and systematically rewrite code and even shut them down . In light of these continuing actions, I sent out this email this morning to family and friends: A disturbing but timely suggestion from the leader of the Northern Chester County Democratic Party from our meeting last night: In light of Elon Musk’s intrusion into and destruction of Government […]

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We are 11 days into his Presidency and after the blizzard of executive orders, after the appointment of the moronic and the malicious to lead government offices, after the first wave of lies, after the consolidation of billionaires in his support, after the gleeful cruelty, after the earliest wave of power grabbing, after his assertion of monarchical power, one point is clear. Nothing is going back to what it once […]

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In a letter written in 1942, Bayard Rustin, a Quaker, and the man who organized Dr. King’s March On Washington in 1963, wrote that “the primary social function of a religious society is to speak the truth to power.” This appears to have been the first time that idea was written down in the form of which we have become familiar. It means that those of the cloth, especially, ministers, priests, nuns, rabbis, […]

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On his first day, Trump said this: “Recalling the day in Butler, Pa., in July when “an assassin’s bullet ripped through my ear,” Trump said that “I felt then, and believe even more so now, that my life was saved for a reason. I was saved by God to make America great again.” * On his first day, Trump pardoned over 1500 people who tried to overturn the government on […]

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