Every Good Morning

Preface: I cannot bear to write these Posts only about the hideous nature of the news we now awaken to each morning. Goodness and mercy endure in spite of evil and in response to evil.  I’m going to find stories that show decency at work and write about them in Posts with this heading. I hope they serve in any small way to help keep your heart from becoming numb. […]

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I am writing so often because so much is being broken every day. No one can keep up, but what is happening in Saudi Arabia right now is a moral abomination. The United States and Russia are carving up Ukraine.  From today’s New York Times: “Speaking to reporters after the meeting, American officials did not dwell on Russia’s violation of international law in attacking Ukraine, its alleged war crimes or […]

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The maniacs are out there screaming on the other side of the hill. They are coming closer. They are moving with astonishing speed. The American Republic is being smashed by Trump and Musk and by the Republican Party as their supine collaborators. With a few exceptions, the utterly feckless leadership of the Democratic Party stands by wringing their hands. The maniacs are preparing to gut medical research, public schools, all […]

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Robert Angell , the greatest baseball writer of my lifetime, once answered a critic who asked him why baseball should be taken seriously and why it should be given such weight in the life of the country, this at a time when baseball was the most popular American professional sport. Angell knew the history of the sport. He knew about its long trail of racism and about the financial exploitation of its […]

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