Every Good Morning

We are 11 days into his Presidency and after the blizzard of executive orders, after the appointment of the moronic and the malicious to lead government offices, after the first wave of lies, after the consolidation of billionaires in his support, after the gleeful cruelty, after the earliest wave of power grabbing, after his assertion of monarchical power, one point is clear. Nothing is going back to what it once was – not institutions, not the Parties, not the courts, not families, not the States, not our own individual lives. 

After the cascading catastrophes to come, after the economic dislocations, after all the needless suffering he will cause, everything will have to be built from scratch once he leaves, either through death or incapacitation. Nothing else will shake and splinter the MAGA faithful. They will crawl to kiss his feet with his knife in their backs.

He wants to be King. He might pull it off for a while, but mad kings never build anything except hatred, and they leave nothing behind except wreckage.

© Mike Wall

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